Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Two Week Wait

The 2ww is one of the most anxious times of the month for anyone TTC. It is a long shot for us this month, but I spent Jan 14-17 with J at another post before he was sent overseas. I didn't go to try and get pregnant, mostly because I wasn't expected to O until CD21-22. But, I think I O'd last Monday, which was CD17! That is super early for me, but it surely felt like I O'd. Now, I know it is not likely, but I can't help but be a little anxious. I'm not getting my hopes up that's for sure, and I've even been able to avoid stocking up on HPTs. I have one digital left, and I'll use that, but only if I don't start my "ladies days" by CD35. Keeping my fingers crossed!!

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