Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Still Sucks...

So I thought having 3 close friends all with EDDs within a week of mine (yes, we all got PG within the same week, now you see where my pessimism comes from) sucked. Then they all gave birth on March 4th, which was kind of neat. I was moving on, moving through it, healing as it were. 

What I didn't anticipate? The weekly Fbook updates.

I am genuinely happy for my friends, and am truly thankful their babies are all well and thriving. It just sucks, to be reminded. Still. Of what would have been. I am a complete whiner, I know. I need to get over it, I know. For the most part, I am. Though, I could really do without the constant reminders of what we don't have, but want more than anything else in the whole world.

1 comment:

SmartAssMom said...

You don't need to get over it! It's a huge loss and it's so very hard. Take care of yourself and if you have to, distance yourself from updates like that. Eventually it will get better but it's important to take care of yourself now and for as long as you need to.