It turns out that the hematoma and cysts may be a blessing in disguise since it has meant more u/s over the last few weeks. I had another on Feb 26 (7w6d) where baby measured right on track and we found that the hematoma had shrunk. Unfortunately the cysts were the same or bigger, and the doc was really thinking I'd be having surgery soon. Though at my next u/s Mar 23 (11w3d) a few of the cysts had shrunk and the largest was about the same, so we are at a "wait and see" on that front, and thankfully baby looked great. He/she measured a little ahead and was moving around, phew! I have had some brown spotting here-there and nearly lost it the first time, but after talking to the nurse realized it was probably from the hematoma and not to worry.
Now I'm just twiddling my thumbs until my u/s next week. Ugh, it feels so far away! I'm toying with the idea of getting a doppler, just to ease my nerves until I feel baby move with regularity. I'm currently 14w2d, which is so hard to believe! I've had very few pregnancy symptoms this time, which I'm thankful for in general, but at the same time reassurance would be nice. I've actually felt more sick/nauseous the last couple of weeks than I have the whole 1st tri. I also had a fair bit of RLP, so I'm thinking maybe there was a growth spurt? I *think* I've felt baby moving a few times, but it is so fleeting I don't have enough time to analyze it so I'm not 100% positive. I just keep hoping that everything is going to work out well this time and that we will have a healthy baby this Fall, but there is just so much that could still go wrong...
Every fiber in my being wants this for you!
Thank you satto! Fingers crossed...
I didn't realize you were pregnant! Oh congrats! I know it is so hard to feel excitement without the thought of fear, but praying that all goes well and that you have a beautiful baby soon.
Thank you so much Bethany!
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