Moving on- I am extremely nervous about my appointment on Friday. I keep having these horrible thoughts that everything is going to end badly. I have this sense of impending doom. I know it's totally irrational though I can't really help my crazy thoughts, so I do my best to push them out of my mind by distracting myself. One of my favorite pastimes lately is perusing baby sites. Some favorites are and, which is where SIL, S, is registered. I bought her gifts today so that's one thing checked off my To Do list (this list gets exponentially longer everyday, how does that happen??). Then I went searching for eco-friendly gift wrap and came across this site:, which is awesome! Apparently I'll be buying in bulk but that's okay since I'll feel so much better about wrapping gifts!
Aside from my crazy thoughts, this pregnancy is going pretty well overall I think. I'm feeling crappy again. The sick feeling went away for about a week, but has come back around. I hear this is normal- for symptoms to come and go. I feel like I should probably eat or I'm hungry, but nothing sounds remotely appealing, or if it does and I eat it, it doesn't taste like I thought it would and I still feel sick. Ugh. Still getting up a bit at night to pee and still have a mild cramp here and there. I don't mind any of these, they actually put my mind at ease a little. Especially the cramping since it's different than the round ligament pain, I figure baby must still be growing if my ute is. I hope so...
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