Sunday, February 7, 2010

My First Award!


Thank you MJ for the nomination!

Here's what I have to do:

* Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog
* Copy the award and paste it to your blog
* Tell us 7 interesting things about yourself
And finally:
* Nominate 3 bloggers that you love and link to their blog

Hmmm... seven interesting things about me:

1) I resisted becoming a teacher. It wasn't until 4 months after college graduation that I realized it was something I did want- now it's hard to imagine not being a teacher.
2) I have two brothers named Michael- my biological brother and my stepbrother.
3) I never thought I'd be a military spouse.
4) I love women's history- suffragists, women of WWII, 50's housewives, feminist movement, etc.
5) I try my best to be kind to the environment and am very concerned with human impact on the environment.
6) I love to bake, but hate the clean up so don't do it very often!
7) Growing up I didn't want to be a stay-at-home-wife/mom, but now I am so thankful that I can be for a few years.

My nominations:

1 comment:

Shanny said...

Congrats on your award! and thank you for mine =)
How funny it must be to have two brothers with the same name! I hear ya on the baking thing... loud and clear lol